Monday, August 23, 2010

Update Time

Going from stay at home mom to working mom has made me a bit delayed on my blogging! I have been wanting to update for a while, but when your time is limited with your little one priorities win out! So now I find myself with a moment of free time. Baby is bathed and sleeping (in her own crib which I will get to in a moment) and I am cuddled on the couch with the hubs and pups, watching yet another exciting episode of "bachelor pad". No it's not quite the bachelor or bachelorette, but it's interesting all the less. Who can really pass up trash TV after a long day? So sorry for the novel, but here we go!

Well this has been a busy month to say the least, but we have had a lot of fun along the way too. A couple weekends ago we drove over to Spokane for the weekend to hang out at Chris' Aunt and Uncle's lake cabin. Generally in the summer we are there multiple weekends, generally long ones at that. However, this summer has been a little tricky. It has been hard to line up every one's schedule. We finally collaborated and decided on Aug 14. It was a long drive for only 1 full day there, but it was worth it! As always we had a blast wake surfing, wake boarding, sun bathing, swimming, eating and drinking. It was about 95 degrees, perfect for spending all day in/on the water. Reese was also an angel. She literally did not cry or fuss all weekend which is a feat for a 4.5 month old! Chris and I were lazy and didn't want to bring the co-sleeper so she slept in bed with us. We have never had her "in" our bed all night and I have to say I really enjoyed it. Before baby I swore I would never co-sleep with my kids, but now I totally see why people do it. Not only did Reese sleep like a log, but it was fun to have extra cuddle time; especially when I was away at work a good chunk of the week. We only allowed it this one time because we don't want a 1 year old in our bed, but it was fun none the less. It was also fun to get to take Reese swimming! Yet again she doesn't cease to amaze me with her love of the water. The lake was warm, but it definitely had that chill when you first got it. She did not bat an eyelash! We just brought her in and she immediately smiled and started splashing around. I love how much fun and easygoing this kid is! So it was a successful weekend aside from sitting in 3 hours of traffic on the pass which turned a 5 hour drive into an 8 hour drive. I realized again how lucky I am to have an easygoing baby who went with the flow. No meltdowns at all!

On the parenting front a lot has changed as well. Last baby update I was struggling with getting Reese down to sleep at night. Amazingly this is not even a problem anymore. It just clicked one day and she started going down without a problem. I bathe her, read a story, feed her, sing a song and she's out. I think a few things helped; first is it started getting dark earlier which definitely made it easier. Who wants to go to bed when its light? She definitely didn't! Then I stopped swaddling her at all. I was putting 1 arm in, 1 arm out since about 3.5 months. When I went in for her 4 month check, the pediatrician recommended to stop swaddling her all together. She expressed that at this age she thinks it can be a bit dangerous because they can roll around and if they made it to their stomach with their hands constricted it could cause problems. She did recommend our lifesaver though...bunny! She went on to tell us that she firmly believed in an empty crib to eliminate SIDS risks, however was totally OK with a lovey (those tiny little blankets with a head on them). She said that she has had a lot of luck keeping a special one in their sleeping space at all times and only bringing it out to put them down. That way they associate that lovey with going to sleep. Reese has a super soft bunny lovey and we put her to work! As we go through her bed time routine at night she holds and snuggles her lovey. Then when we put her down, she no longer flails her arms, not knowing what to do with them without a swaddle. She just grabs bunny and hugs her and falls asleep. It is really the cutest thing I have ever seen. I can tell this bunny will be going to college with her! So now that we have tackled going to sleep we just need to tackle staying asleep. The past few nights we have moved her into her own room and she has kept the same schedule as she had in our room (waking up once to eat during the night and then a few pacifier pop ins here or there). I would love it if we can kick her pacifier pop ins. At this point the night feeding doesn't bother me since I am away most the day and I actually welcome the time to nurse her, but I could do without the extra soothing. I am hoping she will soon learn to do this herself. She is going to have to sooner or later because paci is going bye bye at 6 months because I think it will be easier when she is younger rather than older. I just want to get her completely used to her crib before I make yet another transition for her.

I still can't believe how fast she is changing. Each day it seems that she is doing something new. She is starting to sit without help (for like 15-30 seconds), she is trying to teach herself to crawl and she is babbling up a storm! She has even started to mimic words. She has mimicked "hi" and "cookie" and a few other little words. I know she doesn't know what she is saying, but it is fun getting her to copy your own words! Watching her grow everyday is so incredible and I feel so lucky to be her mommy. I am sure I will have many more updates next time around too. Things seem to be changing right and left in the Holcomb household! Here are a few recent pics!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

From Stay at Home Mom to Working Mom

This past week has been one of the toughest of my life. Last Thursday I made the transition from stay at home mom to working mom. From the beginning of my maternity leave I was dreading this day and to be honest, I have spent the past few weeks wallowing in self pity over it. No one can prepare you for how difficult it is to leave your child everyday. I think it may have been easier if I went back sooner, but when you spend everyday of 18 weeks with your baby, you get very used to it. Now, I have to count myself VERY lucky because I have a saint of a mother who watches Reese. Everyday I know Reese is in extremely capable hands, but it is still so hard to be away all day. This has given me such a respect for working moms. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that being a stay at home mom is easy. It is absolutely NOT! It is very difficult to juggle a house and baby. It leaves you completely exhausted by the end of the day. However, now being someone who has done both the stay at home thing and the working thing, let me tell you, the working thing is SO much more difficult. Lets run through my day....

1. go to sleep around 10pm
2. wake up between 1:00am and 2:00am to feed Reese
3. wake up at 5:00am to feed Reese
4. shower and get ready
5. Get to work by 7:00am
8. 8:00am pump
9. 11:00am pump
10. eat lunch while I work 11:30 am
11. use my 1 hour lunch break to work out at 12:30pm
12. 2:00pm pump
13. leave work at 4:00pm to fight through traffic
14. pick Reese up at 5:00pm (probably feed her at my mom's)
15. Run home and help Chris put dinner together while entertaining Reese at the same time
16. play with Reese non-stop until she is sleepy (I've been gone all day after all!)
17. Give Reese a bath, read her a story and off to bed
18. get all my stuff ready for the next day and have about an hour of alone time before off to bed again!

Reading this makes me tired! All I an think about all day is being able to see Reese. Then when I get home all I want to do is play with her and be with her. Half the time I feel so exhausted that I don't feel like I get to enjoy it as much as I would like because I am about to fall asleep! Being a working mom is the hardest thing I have ever done. But right now, I know it is the right thing for us and I try and keep a very positive attitude about it (I am sure Chris is rolling his eyes if he is reading this!). So once again I get to deal with something new. I am sure it will get easier as time goes on, but for now it's still fresh. I know I even have it easy compared to many out there. I can't imagine being a single mom, or a mom working 2 jobs. I work for a great company, make good money and get to be with my family every night. So believe me, I am not all negative, but it still doesn't make it easy. I just have to learn to maximize all the time I do get to spend with my family and not to take it for granted! So here is to all the working moms out there!