Thursday, March 31, 2011

I'm being watched!

A couple weeks ago Reese and I were playing on the floor.  I was trying to entertain her with the dozens of toys she has, but of course she was interested in the one "toy" I wouldn't let her play with. My cell phone! Thanks to the copious amount of apps out there, I found one that is perfect for the mom of a toddler who loves cell phones. Toddler Lock, which allows her to play with my phone without me worrying about her making calls.  She was happily pressing the touch screen and watching the cute shapes appear on the screen and then all of the sudden it happened. She put the phone up to her ear and tilted her head toward it.  At first I thought this was a fluke, but then she did it over and over again that day, and with other phones too.  I never taught her to do this, so it hit me.  I am being watched!  My every action, expression and word is being watched and absorbed like a sponge.  This simple act of picking up a phone and pressing it to her ear made me really start to think about the small things I say and do on a daily basis. 
For the most part, Chris and I abstain from swearing. Its never been something either of us have done on a regular basis, so that has not been difficult to keep out of our house. OK, except for when I might stub my toe or do something else that causes a quick jolt of pain. Still working on that!  However, I do think of the other words that might not necessarily be "bad", but would not want my small child repeating.  Take for instance douche bag.  Definitely a regular in the Holcomb household.  Probably need to cut that one out!  I also think of the other things I say and do. When I get ready to go out and comment about how fat I feel, or how disgusting I look. These are just words I throw around flippantly, but do I want my daughter picking up on them? No way!  I want Reese to see me as having a healthy confidence about myself and my appearance. I want her to see a strong mom who puts others first, and is kind.  I want her to mimic positive attributes.  I think this creeps into every aspect of my life.  Do I grab a handful of chips and then feed Reese pieces of fruit? If I want my daughter to eat healthy and be active, than I need to be the example of healthy eating and exercise.  I realize that you can't be perfect all the time, but I think it is so important to do your best and constantly examine your own behavior. Even the smallest actions! As my little girl grows up, this will become more and more important and I think I am up for the challenge!
Speaking of growing up. It is amazing how turning the big 1 has brought on instant changes. I think she knew her birthday came and went, because literally the next day she started walking quite a bit more.  She was still very tentative to go off on her own, and now she has been walking all over! She is still about 50/50 with walking versus crawling, but I don't have to coax her at all anymore. She just goes! Over the past month or so, she has also started to "feed" me.  I give her a piece of food and then she tries to give one back to me.  She also expects to eat anything that I am.  So as I eat my bowl of cereal in the morning, she now walks over and says "yum yum" which has become her word for food. It is too cute!  I am loving being the mom of a 1 year old so far and am excited to see what she does next! So I will be putting my best foot forward to ensure it is something worth mimicking!

Here are some pics from her birthday!

She is climbing on EVERYTHING these days!   
Are we done with pictures already?

A kiss for the birthday girl from her best pal!

Cleanest first cupcake I have ever seen! She's a pro!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Happy Birthday Reese!

You know when you wake up in the morning and you feel like you never slept? It seems that you literally just closed your eyes and there you are awake again, staring at the blaring red 7:00am in the alarm clock.  That is how this year has been.  It seems like it never started, and here we are at the end of it!  I remember the day Reese was born so clearly. Who knew a day that started out with an argument, a bowl of spilled cereal, and a 3rd degree burn caused by spilled tea would be full of my favorite memories.  That day has been the most pivotal of my life; when literally my whole world changed.  What a ride it has been!
I loved Reese the moment she was placed on my chest.  That love has grown with each passing moment.  That little girl is my world.  It's amazing how someone who is so small can affect your life in such a big way.  Things that once seemed so important have become insignificant.  I have realized the beauty in family and the simple moments that life has to offer.  I have a deeper appreciation for my parents and the sacrifices they have made for me.  I have an even higher respect for Chris and his unconditional love, support, encouragement and friendship. It's amazing that when you teach a child to grow, they teach you right back.  I am a better person today because of my daughter and I strive to be a role model for her. 
As I look back on this year, I realize it would impossible to not have been changed by everything that we've been through. The first year of a babies life is full of constant changes.  Their personalities, abilities, schedules or lack there of, are constantly changing. I had to learn quickly to adapt and not sweat the small stuff.  I look back and feel that I have accomplished something.  I know realistically this year is such a small piece of her life, but it is such a learning curve that it is hard not to feel like I have passed a large milestone after this first year. Reese has gone from a small helpless infant, to a little girl who talks (whether or not it is always actual English), walks (when she wants to!), feeds herself (and the dogs), and is more independent by the day (if you have ever seen her shake her hand and head no at me you would understand!).  She has become a person with a strong personality, an ever blossoming sense of humor and a stubborn streak that I am sure makes my parents chuckle (you know those "I hope you have a child just like you" comments we all got growing up). It is amazing how the year started out with constant feedings, spit up, blowouts, swaddling,  rocking and tummy time.  Now she sleeps twelve hours straight at night with two 1-2 hour naps during the day. Mealtimes are at specific times, and life is pretty predictable.  I am proud for all the milestones she has hit, and I have to admit I am also proud of Chris and I for how we have coped this year.  I think we have done a darn good job, I'm not saying we are perfect, far from it, but hey, she's still alive! I started out the year with just a few goals in mind in terms of parenting: 1. Put Reese first in everything I do 2. Have a happy, healthy baby 3. Quit my job and stay at home 4. Nurse without having to supplement for one year 5. get back in shape after baby.  One and two are ongoing goals, but I am proud that I can say I completed the others. Now it's time for a new set of goals for the year!  I look forward to all the new changes coming! I know there will be quite a few this year as we dive into toddler-hood, and all I can say is bring em' on!

I wrote a "birth story" a while back but have never posted it.  I thought today was a perfect day for a re-post.  Here is the link (FYI, I wrote this for myself so it might be a tad "graphic" for some) 

Last "belly" picture! About 2 weeks before Reese was born!

Waiting! I was very blessed with a quick, "easy" labor!

Minutes after Reese was born!

Born at 11:03pm, 6lbs 4oz 17 inches

First family photo!
Cuddle time after a long day! Being born is hard work!
Easter 2010- 1 week old!
First weeks

First weeks

8 weeks
Around 8 weeks
About 2.5months

3 months

3.5 months

4 months
5 months

5.5 months
First Husky Game! Almost 6 months

6.5 months

7 months
8 months

First Christmas! 9 months

10 months

11 months

11.5 months

12 months! (well one day short!)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Little Spring Fashion Please!

Well I think Spring is finally in the air. At least in the fashion world.  I have been itching for bright colored clothing. I think my upcoming trip to Hawaii in May is silently at the forefront of my mind and all I can dream about are shorts, maxi-dresses and swim wear!  I love how the stores are full of this stuff even though it is still barely 50 degrees out (on a good day!).  Despite waiting for the weather to catch up, it is still fun to get into the spring mood. I bought myself a pair of some fun spring shoes with birthday money and can't wait to put them to good use. I am a sucker for a wedge and thought these were adorable.  Similar to a boat shoe, but a little more fun. Love em! I am also loving the long flowy dresses that are coming out this spring.  There is something so simple, yet beautiful about a long dress.  I love this one, but don't think I have the height to pull it off. Well, I am sure some lucky 5'10 soul will look great in it.  I have a few friends who come to mind! 

This spring has a lot of fun waiting for us! We have Reese's birthday coming up in the next few weeks and I can't believe it!  It is so weird to think that I was very pregnant this time last year.  Even though time has flown by, it does feel like forever since I was pregnant. It is amazing how quickly you forget!  Now we have a WALKING little girl, not even a baby!  She is taking to walking pretty slowly, but it is so fun to watch her get more and more confident with it each day. Just this weekend she took a few steps without Chris or I coaxing her.  I just watched out of the corner of my eye as she attempted to walk toward her little car.  One step, two step, three...CRASH!  Luckily her low center of gravity has prevented many tears. It is hard to believe she is pretty much a toddler now!  I was listening to my Taylor Swift Cd the other day and fell in love with the song "Never Grow Up". This first verse really hits home to how I am feeling right about now (OK I am going to be super sappy and quote the part I love).

"Your little hands wrapped around my finger
And it's so quiet in the world tonight
Your little eyelids flutter 'cause you're dreaming
So I tuck you in, turn on your favorite night light

To you, everything's funny
You got nothing to regret
I'd give all I have, honey
If you could stay like that

Oh, darling, don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up
Just stay this little
Oh, darling, don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up
It could stay this simple

I won't let nobody hurt you
Won't let no one break your heart
No, no one will desert you
Just try to never grow up, never grow up"

Despite my unrealistic wish, I know she is growing up, and I know that it is going to keep getting more fun! I can't wait to watch her run around on the beaches in Maui and get out more as the weather begins to turn around!  So for now we girls plan our wardrobe and look forward to the fun that is to come! Starting with a birthday in a few weeks. 

Here is a spring "fashion" shoot we did the other day. Enjoy!